What I ate on Tuesday, was supposed to post Wednesday & actually posted Thursday: Lo Mein

Two “What I’m Eating Wednesday” blogs in I realized I may be in over my head with this whole eating and taking pictures of what I’m eating thing. I mean look, At four of them I already got delayed a day. Not to mention in real life there are some very long stretches of my husband asking me “what’s for dinner” then resorting to frozen pizza for him, cereal for the kids and wine with string cheese (also known as “winner”) for me when I get home from work. But every once in awhile I forget to cancel my weekly Blue Apron delivery and a box shows up at the door.

There are a lot of food delivery services out there- I say pick the one thtat works for you. This is just the one I started with and since they already have my info and I have the app we’re sticking with it. We certainly don’t order every week but when it does show up we enjoy the chance to cook and eat together. At least we used to. My son would put on his little red apron and he would help us chop and cook and mix stuff. Lately he just ditches us to watch YouTube. He’s more likely to present us with a slime recipe than anything else, thus adding to the reason I am happy the steps are minimal. I’ve lost my sous chef.

This week’s box included Chicken Lo Mein. Noodles. Chicken. Everyone in the house should be happy.


I am going to spare you the detailed instructions to making the dish because like, you can just read this card if you really want to make it. But as you can see there’s only four steps and one of them is essentially “put it on a plate.” Deal!

Another reason I like food delivery? The perfectly sized ingredients.6CFB6585-C9F5-48DB-B913-522F7D713FF2

The chances of me using more than that cute little bottle of savory black bean chili sauce in the next 12-500 months is slim to none. Thank you for knowing this and making it easy on me. Plus I reuse them to hold salad dressing for my to-go salads and the packaging is all recyclable. So like, I’m saving the world one “forgot to cancel” delivery box at a time.

Next on the Thank-you-Jesus-ometer is the fact that this meal is 25 minutes start to finish. I told you before, ain’t nobody got time for no 30-60 minute prep and cooking around here.

Not gonna happen on any day that doesn’t start with Sat or Sun!

But seriously, this one was too easy. Clean some Bok Choy, slice some Bok Choy, mix some stuff.

Cook some chicken and drop the noodles in a pot.

Mix the chicken stuff and the noodles stuff with the sauce stuff. Voila! You’re at step 4.

And perhaps the best thing about meal delivery is how excited the kids are to explore new cuisines and enhance their appreciation of new flavors. Just kidding. They haven’t done that since the littlest one learned how to scrunch her nose and say “no like” and our son decided he was pot stickers and cheese quesadillas only.

A9C7D890-EFC2-4340-A6AA-F6EC0E4454D2They ate cereal.


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