My German is limited to a few key phrases.
- Guten Tag.
- Fahrvergnügen!
- Dummkopf!
- Wo ist das Bad?
If you know what any of those mean you know it is hard to work them into a comprehensive lifestyle article. But there are a few others I know that highlight one of the best fall festivals in the history of the world! OKTOBERFEST!!

Oktoberfest (def): Autum festival held in late September/October meant to celebrate beer. Synonym: The best way to celebrate the 1st day of fall.
I love Oktoberfest. And I love celebrating it in the perfect atmosphere. Normally that is at an outdoor festival and Biergarten (Beer Garden if you’re not as versed in German as me) but not this year. Due to an unforeseen level of rain, most outdoor festivals were cancelled or moved to an arc. But the Oktoberfest show must go on and we found a great alternative.
My husband and I found a fantastic local place- Jorg’s Vienna’s Cafe– in the Plano Arts District to celebrate the season and some German fare. This is a Best of Plano winner so it comes highly recommended. It is a well-deserved award.

And it gave me a chance to use some other German words and phrases.
1. Willkommenskultur

Best described as the German concept of a welcoming culture. It designates a positive attitude of politicians, businesses, people and institutions towards foreigners. Second, the term expresses the wish that newcomers be accepted. Synonym: Positive attitude and action toward guests.
From the 1st minute we arrived we felt comfortable and welcomed. The service was fantastic and they were super friendly. By the time we left we felt like regulars who knew the staff for years and years. It felt like a warm spirit on a cool day.
Their Willkommenskultur game was strong!
2. Bier/Bierkrug/Oktoberfestbier

These all equate to beer and the ginormous “two hands required” liter-sized stein of beer considered the usual bfor any good Oktoberfest celebration. Let me use it in a sentence for you. “I enjoy my Oktoberfestbier in a bierkrug the size of my face.”
Don’t believe me?

3. Brezel, Brats & Schnitzel

Oh sweet salted, doughy, cheesy brezel. I’m not going to lie. It was my meal for the night. If you want your kids to be jealous tell them you had a pretzel for dinner.
And when you can’t decide between breaded chicken schnitzel or the gold standard brat food pairing know that you don’t have to choose. DO BOTH with a slider combo appetizer platter.

4. An accordion
Oh you’re too good for an accordion? Then we can’t be friends. Wait. I take that back. On any other day we CAN be friends, but if you even think, much less speak an accordion dis on keg tapping day we cannot be friends.
I get it. If you were at a wedding or a family reunion and someone pulled out an accordion there would be a stampede-like run for the door. But not here. Not at Jorg’s. Not during Oktoberfest. Not on keg tapping day. And not after 2-3 liters of bier.
I mean really you just can’t help yourself.
So there you have it mein freunde! Prost to you! May your steins and bellies be full this Oktoberfest!