What I’m Eating Wednesday: Cupcakes

Remember last week when I was all “Eat healthy! It’s the key to longevity!” Well we are throwing that out the window today and today only (and also maybe tomorrow and through the weekend), because it’s my birthday!

I am not here to be eating healthy on my birthday. I am here for the cupcakes!

So what am I eating today? Cupcakes.

Fluellen Cupcakes, 408 Elm St, Dallas TX

Before I left downtown Dallas today  I needed to make a stop at Fluellen (408 Elm St) for two cupcakes. Sure. There is only one of me, but there is something very depressing about purchasing one cupcake. It’s like, not only do you not have enough people to share an entire cake with, but you also don’t know another person who may want to take three or four bites of a delicious pastry in honor of the years God has graced you with. Also-perhaps the girl behind the counter won’t  think they’re  both for you if you get two different kinds.

Mmmm! Cupcakes!

Inside this beautiful pink box is one lemon and one wedding cake cupcake.

This wedding cake one though…it won’t make it home.


Now. Before you think I am about to go full-throttle cupcake meltdown today I need you to know I’m not crazy. I have a lot of cupcake eating to do and need to pace myself and keep my strength up.

Lunch was this very healthy salad, a 30-minute HIIT workout, and a 2-mile walk around the park.

Cupcake justification salad

Whew! That workout made me hungry. What to eat? What to eat? I know! Cupcakes!  Time for cupcake stop #2. Kathryn’s Bakery in Murphy.

Kathryn’s Bakery Murphy TX

We picked up four.

These are the ones the family is allowed to eat-cuz the Fluellen are all me. But since these are THEIR cupcakes, I brought my daughter as their representative. She picked out two vanilla, and an Oreo cupcake for her and Abram. I added a carrot cake-cuz you know-we keep it healthy in the Wilson house.


I want to just state for the record that this is NOT a normal day. There is no other day in my life that involves this level of sugar intake. And the only other day where I pull a “treat yo’self” on the gluttony scale is Thanksgiving. But we will consider this a special occasion. I mean do you know how much work goes into keeping me alive for the number of years I have been alive?Let’s just say it’s not a one man job.

So once a year. WE GO HAM ON THE CUPCAKES!!!

And besides, I had a salad. That’s healthy. I had carrots in that one carrot cake cupcake. I had that super healthy weekday breakfast from last week. And I also had this…


Ok. OK. I didn’t have this one. Avery picked this out. We got two. One for her and one for her brother. They’re part of the “keep me alive” team and since I called dibs on most of the cupcakes, it’s the least I could do.

Note: Do NOT bring your almost 3-year old to a bakery and think you’re leaving with just what you came in for. It’s bad enough you’re in there for four cupcakes but you will be leaving with a smiley face cookie. Make a note of it and ready yourself.

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