
I’m going to get real controversial here. September is the best month. It is. It has that great combo of summer and fall weather. You can still hit the pool during the day. There is a breeze. There are fire pits. There are bike rides and apple orchards and caramel ombré leaves on the trees. There are even…sigh…the freaking PSLs at Starbucks-but I won’t let that deter me from proclaiming September the best month! Because for me and all of my friends whose parents got a little too frisky during the previous winter holiday season—- it is BIRTHDAY MONTH!

I’m over here shouting BIRTHDAY MONTH like I have the energy to celebrate the whole entire month. I mean September has like thirty days in it. It’s no February. For me to have the energy to celebrate for an entire month, I need to have had like twenty less birthdays. I can’t even do a Birthday Week. I can do maybe three days and even those are not consecutive. I mean come on. Between my birthday and my husband’s and the aforementioned friend’s birthdays, I need my rest.

And I’ll tell you the reason for this need to Rip van Winkle. KIDS. These little bundles of joy are a wonderful addition to the family and even though they demand to be dressed and fed every few days they do not give a crap about Birthday Month, or Birthday Week, or Birthday Tuesday unless it is theirs.

Even if I had the energy, I don’t have the time. There’s soccer, and youth group, and Wal-Mart (which my daughter is obsessed with by the way). There’s homework, and dinner, and laundry. Why in the Hell is there so much freakin’ laundry? Why? Because… kids.

Don’t they know it’s Birthday Month?

It is for this reason that I have resorted to a few good miscellaneous days in September that I declare as mine. I’m gonna suck as much Birthday Month out of Birthday Two or Three Days as I can.  

Every September they present their usual requests and every once in awhile I get to respond with “Love to. Can’t. Birthday Month.”  Here are a few  examples:

“Love to. Can’t go to your soccer game because Birthday Month Windy City Winefest with my girls acting like I have no children and no sense.” 

“Love to. Can’t pick you up early from pre-school because Birthday Month me and your dad playing hookie and golfing.” 

“Love to. Can’t. It’s Birthday Month I just got a new dress, a babysitter,  and a hankering for some Dodies!” 

The Rockwall Harbor

This year I am going with the “Love to. Can’t because Birthday Month I have big plans on a mani-pedi-facial in a place that serves daytime wine to ladies who lunch.” #birthdaymonth. This is not yet pictured.

So my birthday celebration is shorter than it used to be and light on the much needed “me time” I crave. Why? Because…kids. But those same kids give me life every other day in September for Birthday Month. And though I may not get to cut loose everyday like in my younger years. I still get to celebrate Birthday Month. So most days I just say “I’d love to.” And try to soak it all in.

Like this day in Birthday Month when my daughter finally looked at me the same way she looks at her dad and my heart melted. AND I got to see a beautiful sunset. Why? Because…kids!

September skies

And that one time we got to celebrate someone else’s September Birthday Month with all of our friends and family. Why? Because…kids. All of our kids!

Bolingbrook IL

And in Birthday Month when you get to remember what wonder looks like. Why? Because…kids!

Heard Museum, McKinney TX

And in Birthday Month when you do nonsense like in year’s past but in the yard. Why? Because…kids!

I realize I don’t need to “take” the month when I can GET so much from each day. And sometimes The Lord smiles down on you and gives you something you would have missed if you hadn’t been out running around… because of kids!

A beautiful September rainbow Wylie TX

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